In an action this day the 1st KGL Hussars led by Captain Krachenberg attacked and drove back a troop of French dragoons of the Provisional dragoon regiment, claiming to have killed three officers and 10-15 troopers (Beamish p.277). A search of sources on the internet gives several stories but vastly different. Often the term "cut down" is used, which may indicate killed but also could mean exactly that. Cut down by a sabre and wounded. The British army was in retreat and therefore did not hold the ground after this skirmish, which may be why the claims are a variance with the facts.
Three officers are indeed identified, sous-lieutanants Jacques Mimin, Libault and Coutrez.. However Mimin is the only officer mortally wounded, and that by a cannonball. The others appear to have suffered wounds but not died of these. Libault survives and is wounded at Waterloo. Sgt-Maj. Louis Engle cut an officer from his horse and took a second prisoner (Beamish p.499). Does anyone know what were the actual dragoon casualties in this engagement? One French officer was captured was this Libault or Coutrez?
Hey everyone,
I posted a new entry on my website detailing my hobby of working on 1806-1807 campaign uniforms. I intend to work on Prussian, Russian, French, and the smaller German allied states that fought during the campaign while still working on detailing the combats and battles through service records that I find on Base de données Léonore. This will be a long and slow project, but at the moment, it has replaced my hobby of painting miniatures.
Thanks for looking,
I read the German translation of the Recollections of a British soldier who served in the Peninsula. The title is "Soldatenleben" = Soldier's Life. He speaks of his voyage from Jersey to Lisbon, his comrads "John" and "Cochran", the defence of Cadiz against the French, the siege and pillage of Badajoz, the execution of deserters at Campo Mayor. Anybody know the English first edition and the name of the soldier (private, infantry)?
Thanks in advance!