I thought that I’d contribute to a debate on my first post on this superb forum. Recently, I’ve rekindled a near obsession with the uniforms of the Napoleonic Wars. Having started this affliction as a teenager, here I am, some 40 years later, trying to buy up all the books I sold to help fund a trip to play cricket in Singapore in my youth. I’ve reignited my love for Ospreys, found Andre Joineau and discovered Knotel. So, I thought my fellow Napoleonicists might like to see a collection of what I think are some of the best Napoleonic uniform editions around.
But before you jump into the PDF, there are some caveats. I’ve only reviewed the editions I own, so they are genuine reviews. You may notice some obvious omissions; I haven’t included Rousselot, for instance, because I don’t own any of his work. But he is, of course, one of the masters. I don’t have any Elting collections either. I don’t own the great Funckens. So, with these health warnings, I hope you enjoy the volumes I do have.
You will also notice that it is actually a Top 12. Many thanks all. Best wishes Geoff
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