Good day,
can someone confirm this list of Armes d'honneur and my assumption of what that exactly is:
Sabre d’Honneur - Sword
Fusil d’Honneur - Rifle
Mousqueton d’Honneur - Hook
Carabine d’Honneur - Carabine(Cavalry rifle)
Grenade d’Honneur - Grenade(Grenade like grenadier grenade or grenade like artillery grenade?)
Baguettes d’Honneur - Drummsticks
Trompette d’Honneur - Trumpet
Hache d’Abordage d’Honneur - Axe(board ships)
Haches de Sapeur d’Honneur - Axe(pioneer work)
Pistol d’Honneur - Pistol(1 or were it 2 pistols?)
The last 3 are not mentioned in the decree of Bonaparte from 25th December 1799. Has anyone details for them?
So far the articles of Tony Broughton showed that only 1 Hache d’Abordage d’Honneur and 1 Pistol d’Honneur seems to have been awarded, and no Haches de Sapeur d’Honneur.
And interesting fact is that, although a little more then twice as many Mousqueton d’Honneur then Carabine d’Honneur were awarded, the Guard cavalry received clearly more carabines then mousquetons although all other cavalry types received clearly more mousquetons then carabines. Coincidence?