No it wasn't. It is the fear of unknown strangers that makes societies and nations tremble and come up with garbage like this.
The first paragraph set the tone I feel, so it's not worthy of the trash-talk extremism exhibited in 2015 and now...
>>Suspicion of immigrants is nothing new in Britain. In the 1790s it was thought that refugees from revolutionary France would infect Britain with republicanism. Today it is the threat of insidious Islamism. In 2005...
It's a serious issue to take too lightly in case you haven't noticed the worsening of the human relations. And the only winners are the gun and armaments makers and gold and precious metals consortiums. And we thought crude oil was a rort!Sadly, d
No it wasn't. It is the fear of unknown strangers that makes societies and nations tremble and come up with garbage like this.
The first paragraph set the tone I feel, so it's not worthy of the trash-talk extremism exhibited in 2015 and now...
>>Suspicion of immigrants is nothing new in Britain. In the 1790s it was thought that refugees from revolutionary France would infect Britain with republicanism. Today it is the threat of insidious Islamism. In 2005...
It's a serious issue to take too lightly in case you haven't noticed the worsening of the human relations. And the only winners are the gun and armaments makers and gold and precious metals consortiums. And we thought crude oil was a rort! Sadly, d