I am looking to check an account of an incident on the voyage written years later by the wife of an officer who went out to India with the regiment in about 1804. Does anyone have access to any other first hand accounts from this battalion of the regiment for this period? Or to the regimental history by Rogerson (which doesn't seem to be available online)?
Thanks, Rory
Thanks, John - that is helpful too.
Here is the earlier Cannon 'Historical record.." from 1849 [August 1805] " nothing serious occurred" https://archive.org/details/recordoffiftythi00canniala/page/12/mode/2up?q=Madras
Ron, thank you - that gave me just the lead I needed and confirms that the account of the voyage out that I've been reading is well founded - one bit of it seemed too good to be true, but everything fits.
Historical Records of the 53rd (Shropshire) Regiment. Colonel W. Rogerson.
Start page 106