Hello everyone,
I have a blog that documents the regiments and the men who served at the Battle of Thann (Teugen- Hausen) on April 19, 1809. I just updated my blog on the Grenadiers uniforms and some of the men who served in these companies. I edited some plates and tried to give as many details that are known from different sources. I have been very influenced by such books as 1809: Thunder on the Danube by John H. Gill and Incomparable by Terry Crowdy. Gill's endnotes and documents from SHD has changed how I look at research now. I have really enjoyed getting to know the men who fought and their deeds, which has opened up a whole new aspect to Napoleonic Wars.
Link to the blog: https://uniformingthepast.blogspot.com/2020/08/grenadiers-of-57e-regiment-dinfanterie.html
Thank you,

Updated my blog with a post on the 57e Ligne Voltigeurs. One of Voltigeur officers received 7 wounds from a sword. Another officer of the regiment from the Fusiliers also was wounded by a sword. At some point, it seems hand to hand fighting occurred.
very nice work - I admire your enthusiasm and productivity.
Michael, can you shoot me a note at gillnesa@gmail.com?