There are some questions which I would like to discuss, footwear, looking at the Artaria prints, or an series in AKS Brown - anonymous artist, as well as Reilly, it seems to be boots.

the above is from AKS Brown, see the difference, gaiters at the left hand figure boots on the Jäger.

this one is one of the Artaria plates of 1792 - looks like boots as well.
thanks for your input, and yes I finally came to the same conclusion, so the miniatures I sponsored will have boots.
They are certainly shown wearing boots as they have the white reinforcers worn on the ends of the breeches. The Walloon and German Jaeger were volunteers and given the costs of the rest of the kit, a decent pair of boots would be feasible . The Tyrolean battalion was made up of volunteers from the militia, which Tyrol financed in return for not having conscription, so I suppose boots would be their normal footwear as mountain folk.
The Austrian Jager Regiment Le Loup certainly wore boots in 1800, but they were below the knee, not the type shown here and without the white cuffs.
After 1800, apparently, the jagers wore gaiters. They were not 'grande gaiters' that the French wore above the knee, but up to the knee as were proscribed by the French Bardin uniform regulations of 1812.