en.topwar.ruBattle of Borodino: numbers and numbers againLouis Lejeune (1775-1848). "Battle of Borodino. The Battle of the Moskva River on September 7, 1812 ". In the foreground, center, General Lariboisiere (gray-haired) mourns the death of his son, a carabinieri officer. To the left and above Marshal Murat (in an old Polish costume) with his headquarters. The painting was painted in en.topwar.ruAfter Borodin: the living and the deadGeneral Uvarov's 1st Cavalry Corps attack at Borodino. Artist A.O.Desarno. The State HermitageA mountain of bloody bodies prevented the nuclei from flying ... (M. Yu. Lermontov. Borodino) Documents and history. In the previous article devoted to the figures of the Borodino battle, we focused on data on
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