John, Xylander has in his regimental history of the 1st Bavarian Artillery Regiments some pointers to Manson, including Manson's designs for the Bavarian ordnance. Unfortunately, I see in Germany only extracts of Xylander's book, here vol. II (I have paper copies of several volumes), perhaps you are more lucky:
Terry, thanks! More specifically, the discussion on the "Material 1800" (a variation of the Gribeauval system) starts on p. 295. Xylander refers to Lutz, Hütz, Reinwald, Schwarz and Jacobi, see pp. X-XIII for some of these sources. Best wishes, Thomas
There is some information in Handbuch der königlich-bayerischen Artillerie, Zweiter Band, but no plates related to the design of the artillerie carriages and pieces.
The Swiss have a much better copy of Jacobi's book available - the drawings are very clear and of a good size:
Beschreibung des Materials und der Ausrüstung der königlich bayerischen Feld-Artillerie
Georg Albano von Jacobi
Druck und Verlag von Florian Kupferberg, Mainz 1841
You will need to use a VPN simulating the USA for the first three volumes of Xylander's book
Geschichte des 1. Feldartillerie-Regiments Prinz-Regent Luitpold,
Rudolf Ritter von Xylander
Volume 1 (1791 to 1806), E.S. Mittler und Sohn, Berlin 1905 (uniform plates in colour spread across two pages)
Volume 2 (1806-1824), E.S. Mittler und Sohn, Berlin 1909 (uniform plates in colour spread across two pages)
Volume 3 (1824-1911), E.S. Mittler und Sohn, Berlin 1911 (uniform plates in colour spread across two pages)
Volume 4 (1911-1920), Munchen 1931
John, Xylander has in his regimental history of the 1st Bavarian Artillery Regiments some pointers to Manson, including Manson's designs for the Bavarian ordnance. Unfortunately, I see in Germany only extracts of Xylander's book, here vol. II (I have paper copies of several volumes), perhaps you are more lucky:
Best regards, Thomas
There are some plates in Jacobi Tome 3, which covers Bavarian artillery, but I am not certain they are Manson's system.
There is some information in Handbuch der königlich-bayerischen Artillerie, Zweiter Band, but no plates related to the design of the artillerie carriages and pieces.