The forum works on the basis that either people will post a thought on the main topic of discussion (what Bob) has written here, or they will respond to a point which someone else has raised. As a result, this is a comment, but....
This on the other hand is a reply, as I am writing in response to my earlier remark.Think of the tiered layout of the NSDF - the replies would crab across the page as people responded to one another's input. Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 1 againOccasionally though people would go back to the original query and their comment would appear close to the left hand side.Not sure if this has cleared it up, or just confused anyone. In essence though, it's a way of keeping tabs on different strands of the conversation.
The forum works on the basis that either people will post a thought on the main topic of discussion (what Bob) has written here, or they will respond to a point which someone else has raised. As a result, this is a comment, but....