The 2nd Light Cavalry Division in October 1813 is listed as being led by one or other of these generals at the battle of Leipzig. I see Corbineau was wounded in the head at Kulm in August 1813 and one source at least indicates he did not return to the command. Berckheim had been leading a heavy cavalry brigade perhaps until mid-October. Does anyone have information that could solve this puzzle?
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My bad. I meant 1 Light Cavalry Division.
For the Battle of Dresden on 26–27 August 1813, Berckheim commanded the 1st Light Cavalry Division in Victor de Fay de La Tour-Maubourg's I Cavalry Corps. The division arrived late on the first day, but participated in Marshal Joachim Murat's grand cavalry attack on the second day. In this action, the 1st Light Cavalry Division attacked an Austrian infantry square and forced it to surrender. Because it was raining hard, most foot soldiers could not fire their muskets, allowing the cavalry to approach very close to the infantry.
During the Battle of Leipzig on 16–19 October 1813, the 1st Light Cavalry Division numbered 1,850 sabers and had nine artillery pieces attached. Both Berckheim and Jean Corbineau are listed as the commander. (Berckheim in Wikipedia)
Berckheim was replaced as a General de Brigade in the heavy cavalry at Leipzig by Sopransi. Corbineau appears to be with the army staff. Sopransi was promoted GB on 13 October 1813. Did he take command then, replacing Berckheim who joined the 1st Lt Cav. Div. or as it states above did Berckheim take command in August? If Berckheim actually led the division at Dreseden it was actually some days before Corbineau was wounded at Kulm which confuses me.
General Berckheim watched the Austrian attack on the Young Guard. He took his 1st Light Cavalry Division made of French, Polish and Italian light cavalry ...
Berckheim replaced in heavy cavalry by Sopransi?
I should state my interest is in the career of Dumanoir of the 1er Chevau-Légers Lanciers.
The 2nd Light Cavalry Division was part not of the 1st but of the 2nd Cavalry Corps (général de division Sébastani). Both Berckheim and Corbineau were commanders in the 1st Cavalry Corps (général de division Latour-Maubourg).
The commander of the 2nd Light Cavalry Division at Leipzig was neither Berckheim nor Corbineau, but - it seems - général de brigade Dommanget.
According to Six, général de division Roussel d' Hurbal was appointed commander of the division on April 19, 1813. However, he suffered a serious skull injury in the battle of the Katzbach on August 26, 1813 - and apparently had to give up command of the division, which is not explicitly mentioned in Six.
According to Mullié, général de brigade Dommanget (he was commander of the 2nd brigade in Roussel d'Hurbal's division) took over command of the division and apparently held it during the Battle of Leipzig:
You wrote:
"I see Corbineau was wounded in the head at Kulm in August 1813 and one source at least indicates he did not return to the command."
Is it possible that you - or your "source" (it would be helpful if you mentioned where your information comes from; "is listed" or "one source at least indicates" is not enough) - confused Roussel d'Hurbal with Corbineau and the Katzbach with Kulm?
According to Six, Berckheim commanded 1re brigade/1re division de grosse cavalerie/1er Corps de cavalerie. He was promoted to general de division on 3 Sep 1813, but was not given a division command until November when he was charged with defending Alsace.
Six says Corbineau commanded the 1re division de cavalerie legere/1er Corps de cavalerie. He commanded the cavalry of the 1st Corps at Kulm, where he was wounded, as you mention, but the wound must not have been too serious since he was placed as interim commander of the gendarmerie d'elite.