Hello everyone,
I posted this earlier this week on TMP, but I wanted to show the updated list of officer casualties for the 4th Division/3e Corps on April 19th, 1809. I have also listed the NCO and soldiers casualties based off my research on the controles de troupes. I used Der Krieg Napoleons gegen Oesterreich 1809 – Freiherr Karl Binder von Krieglstein to supplement my casualty return for regiments such as the 10e Legere that I was unable to view the rosters.
General Saint Hiliare's 4th Division Casualties:
Battle of Thann 19 April 1809
Total Casualties
Officers: 6 KIA, 3 MW, 68 WIA, 2 POW
NCO's & Soldiers: 151 KIA, 77 MW, 461 WIA, 2 POW, 32 MIA( written off rolls)
10e Regiment d'infanterie Legere:
Officers: 9 WIA, 2 POW
NCO's & Soldiers: (According to Binder 5 officer and 431 men)
Wounded in Action:
2e Bat./ 1e Co. Capt. Joseph Davance: Shot in the left leg
3e Bat./ 1e Co. Capt. Sebastien Deker: A shot from a ball that traversed the right arm and shoulder
3e Bat./ 3e Co. Capt. Etienne Thivolle: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
2e Bat./ 1e Co. S.Lt. Charles Francois Lelarge: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
3e Carabiners S.Lt. Thomas Bresson: Shot in the left groin
2e Bat./ 4e Co. S.Lt. Joseph Henri Cussac: Shot in the left leg
1e Bat./ 1e Co. S.Lt. Antoine Andre Joseph Legroux: Shot in the head
2e Bat./ 2e Co. S.Lt. Louis Auguste Bonnefant*: a blow from a ball that carried away his left arm. Retired due to amputation of left arm.
Prisoner of War:
4e Carabiners Capt. Jean Richard*: Wounded and taken prisoner of war two records record he was wounded and captured on April 19th and one record says April 21st (not returned after the end of hostilities and presumed dead)
1e Carabiners Lt. Joseph Gerbe: Prisoner of war (Returned 17 August 1809)
3e Regiment d'infanterie Ligne:
Officers: 3 KIA, 25 WIA
NCO's & Soldiers: (According to Binder 18 officers and 157 men)
Killed In Action:
1e Bat. / 3e Co. S.Lt Joseph Alexis
2e Grenadiers S.Lt Jacques Felder
2e Bat. / 3e Co. S.Lt Louis Joseph Uzes
Wounded in Action:
2e Bat. Capt. Adjudant Major Jean Baptiste Joseph Pollosson: Shot in the left flank
3e Bat. Lt. Adjudant Major Dominique Minvielle: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
1e Grenadiers Capt. Claude Vernadet: Shot in the left arm
1e Bat. / 3e Co. Capt. Jean Bernard Louis Mac-Shechy: Shot in the left forearm
2e Bat. / 1e Co. Capt. Pierre Pellaprat: Shot in the right hand
2e Bat. / 2e Co. Capt. Henri Baujeux: Shot in the right leg
2e Voltigeurs Capt. Jean Claude Guy: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
3e Bat. / 2e Co. Capt. Pierre Quentin Fouquier: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
3e Bat. / 3e Co. Capt. Guillaume Parisot: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
4e Grenadiers Capt. Pierre Favre: Shot in the right forearm
4e Voltigeurs Capt. Joseph Girerd: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
1e Grenadiers Lt. Cesar Claude Beluze: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
2e Bat./ 3e Co. Lt. Claude Francois Bolot: Shot in the left side
2e Voltigeurs Lt. Dominique Marie Louis Philippe Corbin: Shot in the left leg
3e Grenadiers Lt. Augustin Desplan: Wounded by a gunshot to the right thigh
3e Voltigeurs Lt. Adrien Lousteau: A shot that traversed the right shoulder
4e Grenadiers Lt. Jean Baptiste Pierre Destrais: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
2e Bat. Voltigeur S.Lt. Nicolas Coffin: Shot through the right wrist
3e Bat. Grenadier S.Lt. Jean Brezet: Shot in left leg
3e Bat. / 2e Co. S.Lt. Jean Jacques Renaud: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
3e Bat. / 3e Co. S.Lt. Jean Guillaume Lacoste: A bullet that traversed the right *
3e Bat. / 4e Co. S.Lt. Antoine Leroux: Blow from a ball that required amputation of the right leg
4e Voltigeurs S.Lt. Pierre Balthazare Butel: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
A La Suite S.Lt. Jean Joseph Jeandel: A shot that broke the left arm
57e Regiment d'infanterie Ligne:
Officers: 2 KIA, 1 MW, 16 WIA
NCO's & Soldiers: 79 KIA, 43 MW, 143 WIA, 4 written off rolls due to long absence in the hosptial on 19 April 1809. (According to Binder 23 Officers and 383 men)
Killed In Action:
3e Bat. / 3e Co. Capt. Philippe Pezieux
1e Bat. / 2e Co. Lt. Antoine Alexandre Louis Marous
Mortally Wounded:
1e Bat. / 2e Co. S.Lt. Louis Francois Roasio: Died of wounds on 14 May 1809
Wounded in Action:
1e Bat. Chef de Bat. Jacques Brosset: Shot in the right thigh
1e Voltigeurs Capt. Bernard Hippolyte Pilhes: Shot in the chest
1e Bat. / 2e Co. Capt. Alexandre Massot: Shot in the chest
3e Voltigeurs Capt. Bernard Boyer: Shot in the right leg
2e Bat. / 1e Co. Capt. Pierre Bonaventure Chancel: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
3e Grenadiers Capt. Sernin Laffont: Contusion on the left arm
1e Grenadiers Capt. Jean Viala: Shot in the stomach
Capt. Simon Pevet: Shot in the left foot
3e Bat. / 2e Co. Capt. Joseph Antoine Francois Gerbal: Shot in the inside of the right thigh
2e Voltigeurs Capt. Antoine Pelenc: Received two shots from a canister round: 1.) in the lower part of the right thigh 2.) In the lower abdomen
2e Grenadiers Capt. Laurent Bertet: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
1e Bat. / 3e Co. Lt. Melchior Peronnier: Sabre blow to the right forearm
2e Grenadiers Lt. Rene Claude Jean Raverat: Shot in the right hand (broken hand)
A La Suite Lt. Claude Saint-Cyr: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
3e Voltigeurs S. Lt. Joseph Olivier Dehemery: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
1e Voltigeurs S. Lt. Charles Basset: Received seven saber wounds to the 1.) left cheek 2.) lower lip 3.) right shoulder 4.) right hip 5.) right thigh 6.) left shin 7.) left leg
72e Regiment d'infanterie Ligne:
Officers: 1 MW, 11 WIA
NCO's & Soldiers: 62 KIA (the short regimental history says 64), 22 MW, 238 WIA, 1 POW, 29 written off rolls due to long absence in the hosptial on 19 April 1809*. (According to Binder 15 officers and 567 men)
Mortally Wounded:
1e Bat./ 3e Co. S.Lt. Louis Ambroise: Died of wounds on 10 May 1809
Wounded in Action:
1e Voltigeurs Capt. Louis Mathurin Constant Metton: Shot in the right breast(nipple)
3e Bat./ 4e Co. Capt. Jean Baptiste Gaillard: Shot in the right leg
1e Grenadiers Capt. Michel Marie Lefizelier: Shot in the left leg
4e Voltigeurs Capt. Francois Poirier: Shot in the right thigh
3e Bat./ 3e Co. Capt. Germain Bardoux (ADC to General Ficactor 23/04/1809): Shot in the left arm
4e Voltigeurs Lt. Francois Augustin Bertrand Marigny: Shot in the right foot
1e Bat./ 1e Co. Lt. Jacques Louis Moulin: Shot in the left
3e Bat./1e Co. S.Lt. Jean Francois Royer: Shot in the left leg
2e Bat./ 4e Co. S.Lt. Francois Philippe Chambelland: Shot in the left thigh
1e Bat./ 1e Co. S.Lt. Richard Adrien Devienne: Shot in the right forearm
3e Voltigeurs S.Lt. Jean Jacques Marce: Shot in the right leg
105e Regiment d'infanterie Ligne:
Officers: 1 KIA, 1 MW, 7 WIA
NCO's & Soldiers: 10 KIA, 14 MW, 81 WIA, 1 POW (According to Binder 8 officers and 211 men)
Killed in Action:
S.Lt. Honore Habert
Mortally Wounded:
Capt. Jean Isidore Habert: Died of wounds on 25 June 1809
(Lacking information on officers of this regiment)
Wounded in Action:
2e Grenadier Capt. Henry Maussion
Lt. Augustin Leclerq
Lt. Lespinasse
Lt. Antoine Maillet: Shot in the left foot
Lt. Pierre Silvestre De Mostolac: Shot in the superior part of the right leg
Lt. Claude Francois Pichon: Shot in the right thigh
Lt. Francois Daudier
What you can miss because of ignorant auctioneers ... 😐 On the other hand... - fortunately for collectors' wallets, they don't recognize everything, and as a history buff you can be happy about an interesting chance find every now and then. I, for one, hadn't seen this before:
What is written in the auctioneer's legend is nonsense. We are neither dealing with a soldier called Constans, nor did the event take place in 1814.
Yes, that's the same who was wounded in the right chest in the Battle of Teugn-Hausen, when still a captain ( https://www.leonore.archives-nationales.culture.gouv.fr/ui/notice/261162 ) .
The French legend says:
DEDICATED TO HIS MAJESTY LOUIS XVIII. / King of France and Navarra / by his most humble, most obedient servant and loyal subject. / Metton Louis Mathurin Constant, chef de bataillon of the 72nd Régiment of line infantry, Officer of the / Légion d'honneur, wounded by a cannonball on August 30, 1813 at the Battle of Kulm in Bohemia, abandoned / stripped, and amputated on the battlefield, where he remained from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m.
The picture was painted in 1814, apparently by a third party on Metton's behalf, probably soon after his return from captivity, and probably in the hope of receiving a pension, which apparently was granted. He married in 1819 ...