Friends, Romans, colleagues
I'm trying to get hold of an obscure Italian journal called the
"Rivista di Fanteria" and it has some articles on Murat in it in the 1903 and 1904 issue (Anno XII, fasci 11 and 12 and Anno XIII, fasci 1 to 5).
Any help would be much appreciated. The journal does seem to have other Napoleonic stuff in it as well.
I contacted the National Library in Florence
They have an excellent copying service, and not too expensive. They can provide a copy in a few days. I recommend them.
Thanks Tom. It seems like Anno XIII hasn't been digistised. However, my search pulled this up, which may be of interest to the scholars here:
Thanks Tom. Americans have access to Anno XII and a friend just sent it to me if anyone wants to see it. Lots of interesting stuff on Garibaldi, some Napoleonic material.;q1=%22Rivista%20di%20Fanteria%22;a=srchls;lmt=ft
Are these one of those: