Is there a compendium/listing/Verzeichniss of which Prussian line regiments carried on the histories of the Prussian Landwehr and Reserve regiments after 1815? For example, the 5th Reserve Regiment became Infantry Regiment Nr. 17, so these is a lot of detail of the reserve regt's activities in the later regimental history. But how does one locate these without reading every subsequent regimental? Thanks in advance as alway!
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The link (Stammliste der Königlich Preußischen Armee seit dem 16ten Jahrhundert) is perfect, thanks again!
What other books about the Landwehr did you use, there are some histories - as well as of course the articles in the Beiheft zum Militärwochenblatt.
I asked Oliver Schmidt who kindly supported this answer :
Hi, the Reserve regiments are easy. In March 1815, the reserve regiments nos. 1 to 12 received the regimental numbers 13 to 24 (just add 12 to the number of the reserve regiment). These regimental numbers were maintained until the dissolution of the German army after WW I. The Landwehr is more complicated. There were two reorganisations, in 1817 and 1819, I believe. An overview which Landwehr regiment ended up in which of the regiments existing from 1820, can be found here (the names on the left are those of the 1813+ and the 1817 formations): Later in the 19th century, there were further reorganisations of the Landwehr. Therefore, of many Landwehr regiments, there is no regimental history. Hope this helps, Oli