History of the restitutions to Italy of works requisitioned by Napoleon by Federico Giannini, Ilaria Barattawww.finestresullarte.infoHistory of the restitutions to Italy of works requisitioned by Napoleon After Napoleon's defeat in 1815, many works of art requisitioned during the Napoleonic spoliations returned to Italy. However, it was not an easy process. The whole history of restitutions.
Skip SmoyerAug 30, 2024Maybe a podcast Union of Salvation? While much after the Napoleonic era, some players were. Napoleonic movies brought this up.LikeReactions02 comments2Views
Eckhard M. TheewenMar 18Who is the British soldier who published his memoirs before 1827?LikeReactions08 comments8Views
tomholmbergMar 18Hungarian Hussars in Napoleon’s Campaign Against RussiaLikeReactions01 comment1Views
Loïc LilianMar 12To be wounded in battle and healed in Napoleonic Europe (1805-1813)LikeReactions21 comment1Views
Keith AlexanderFeb 25Italienisches Legionsbataillon 1 Mistruzzi FreikorpsLikeReactions03 comments3Views
Good read, I think Zack's comment the pyramids would be in England or France if they could have been taken if not so big was seriously funny.
I am definitely against stealing art when taken over yet that's the story of civilization.