"In the Legions of Napoleon recounts the adventures of an intrepid Polish soldier who fought for Napoleon the length and breadth of Europe. By the time he was twenty-five, Heinrich von Brandt had marched from Madrid to Moscow and had been severely wounded on three separate occasions.
From 1808 to 1812 he was caught up in Napoleon's attempt to subjugate Spain, fighting in battles, sieges – including the siege of Saragossa – and hunting and being hunted by merciless bands of guerrillas.
In 1812 his unit took part in the crossing of the Niemen and the epic retreat from Moscow.
In his extraordinary memoirs Brandt describes in great detail the actions in which he fought, the type of officers and men with whim he served, and the grueling campaigns in which they participated. He also gives fascinating insight into the minds of his comrades and superiors. This book is a must for every Napoleonic historian, enthusiast, and anyone who likes a good story of high adventure."
Von Brandt's description of Davout (you can also find one in both Coignet and Marbot) is interesting:
"Upon my arrival in Warsaw I was sent for by order of the governor, to whim I was introduced after being kept waiting an inordinate amount of time. Marshal Davout was then at the prime of his life (thirty-eight years), and was a man of medium height with a robust complexion and lively, intelligent features being prematurely bald-something which tended to accentuate a look of severity.'-39.
After a short 'discussion' with Davout regarding Queen Louise and the fate of Prussia, von Brandt was dismissed and was told to 'Return home and be faithful to your new prince.'-40.
'He dismissed me there and then. I later understood that he took this kind of tone with all young officers in the same position as myself.'-40.
Before and after his service in the Vistula Legion Heinrich v. Brandt was a Prussian Officer. He describes in the German original edition, that he was urged by Davout into the Polish-French service, since the estate of his father fell after the Peace of Tilsit to the territory of the Duchy of Warsaw. Later - again in the Prussian service - he climbed up to the rank of General der Infanterie, which is next to Feldmarschall.