Can anyone confirm the shade of green adopted by the Italian Royal Army? I have Osprey's MAA "Napoleon's Italian Troops" and Haythornthwaites excellent "Uniforms of Napoleon's Russian campaign". Both boast the artwork of Michael Chappell but the shades of green are markedly different. I assume the Italians were in the deeper green of French light cavalry regiments?
Green dyes in this period are notoriously prone to fading, even from simple UV or weathering. It might not be that any shade is ‘wrong’, simply based on artists impressions of faded items or surviving weathered articles. Shades in preserved samples or patterns may represent ‘as new’ items of clothing, but little resemblance to campaign items or when observed ‘as worn’. The discovery of stable green dye lay much later in the century.
A comprehensive study of the Italian troops of the Republican and Royal eras:
Some portraits of Italian military of the Regno period, including a few of officers of cacciatori a cavallo: