Formed in October 1813 it was disbanded in 1815. Who is Mistruzzi? I found this unit and assume they are the battalion of Itialian Free Corps among GM Starhemberg's Austrian brigade in the 1814 Italian campaign in Laval Nugent's division. I assume they were like Landwehr?
Formed in Trieste by Captain Mistruzzi , who on 10 December garrisoned the coastal works.
From I soldati italiani di Lord Bentinck 1812-1816 (Lord Bentinck's Italian Soldiers) by
Virgil Ilari (2015)
Not to be confused with the four battalions of Italian light infantry. Our sister site with all the research articles gives two Italian Freikorps in 1813-15: Corpi franchi italiani (1813-14)
· Italienisches Freikorps Mistruzzi (ottobre 1813 - 1815)
· Corpo franco romagnolo Finetti (dicembre 1813 - 3 aprile 1814)
The 1953 inventory of the Kriegsarchiv mentions a Marius, Graf Mistruzzi von Freisslingen, as the Major commanding a Italienisches Legionsbataillon Mistruzzi . It does however also refer to a Italienisches Freikorps Schneider
Befreiungskrieg 1813 und 1814: Vol: Österreichs Entscheidendes machtaufgebot 1813, by Wilhelm Wlaschütz says Mistruzzi later took command of the 1st Light Battalion.
From: Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der gräflichen Häuser 1910:
+ Marius Graf Mistruzzi - Freisinger ( geb. 1783 , + 2. Januar 1858 zu Odenburg in Ungarn , f . t . Oberst in Pens sion , verm . 1820 mit Ludovica