I certainly don't pay any attetion, but what am I doing wrong?2020 is just fine.
***Edit- Checked and 2002 to 2006 same error. Thanks.
Sorry cannot edit this confounded text formatting here- no sub-menu appears to reduce text size to normal font, and no html edit facility appears to exist, my sincere apologies...***
Hi Tom,
With expectations... but I get this for 2004 and 2005...
The page http://nsfarchives.altervista.org/napoleon/forum/archive2004_config.pl.html was not found on this server.
This can be due to:
The page no longer exists.
The link you have followed is not valid.
The page has been moved.
Pay attetion to UPPER and LOWER caseshttp://site.altervista.org/Page.html is different from http://site.altervista.org/page.html
I certainly don't pay any attetion, but what am I doing wrong? 2020 is just fine.
***Edit- Checked and 2002 to 2006 same error. Thanks.
Sorry cannot edit this confounded text formatting here- no sub-menu appears to reduce text size to normal font, and no html edit facility appears to exist, my sincere apologies... ***
For years a treasure trove for information needed or just reading. Thanks
Very many thanks for your work on this. I am very pleased to say it seems to work extremely well.