I have received a few queries about the fact that the Napoleon Series as it was intended to reopen on 1 March under new management. However, a change of hosts has been forced upon us and we have also taken the opportunity to update the entire site (all 200,000 images and pages) to wordpress and to reorder parts of it. This is clearly a bigger change than initially contemplated and the team making the changes have given a firm commitment to have it launched by 1 April 2020. It will I am certain be worth the short wait.
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Hi Digby, we are only keeping the website, not the old forum. This forum replaces it.
The old forum was very tedious
But I am not rapt in Wordpress either.
Imho you should have gone with Xenforo (like my new website - just a general political site) Its easy to and looks like a forum
Thanks for the update.