Ordens-Liste von den Rittern und Besitzern der Königl. Preussischen Orden und Ehrenzeichen im Jahr 1810. 1811. : https://books.google.com/books?id=XERSAAAAcAAJ&pg=PP3
1817. 1917. In-8°, VI-471-106 p. :
I am sorry, I posted to the wrong POST. Steve
My son David produced an alphabetized list of this list:
To Share:
Nationalliste des Königlich Württembergischen Offizierskorps, 1789-1827 (Alphebetized by LAST NAME) :https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pkNRJH5Cgh8Q7Kstc32VSmy_pmFFB6MsV-5H-ASKiS0/edit?usp=sharing
When quoting from this list, please credit the original writer for his work.