Hello everyone,
I have searched far and wide for many regimental histories for the French and it seems I have come to a dead end. Part of my passion for research started after reading Colonel Pouget's memories and his vaunted 26e Legere. I have been lucky enough to get the XB 612
documents for the 26e Legere in 1809, but I am looking for the very hard to find (most likely due to only being available in the SHD) Historique du 26e Legere pendant la Campagne de 1809. If anyone knows someone where I can purchase or trade documents with please let me know.
I am also in search of any Historique from the SHD for the 33e, 48e, 108e, and 111e Ligne.
Thank you

Thank you,
I was hoping one of the authors here would be kind enough to share some material or willing to trade. I am not sure how things are working with quarantine here in VA. I think I will most likely contact my former source for more material at some point in the future.
Thank you for these regimental histories. I have them in google books already, but still enjoyable to look over again!
I am looking for the harder to obtain regimental histories kept in the SHD. I believe they start with an MR. I would imagine this is something I will have to actually visit the archives to get my hands on.
33 Extrait de l'historique du 33. régiment d'infanterie.
48 Petit historique du quarante-huitieme regiment d'infanterie.
108 Yvert. Historique du 108e regiment d'infanterie (1766-1895). 1896.
Are available on-line.