Hi everyone. I want to get you involved in the discussion about the best books out there on the Napoleonic Wars. What would you say is the best book on the Napoleonic Wars? Why? Do you agree with someone else's choice?
Post your suggestions below, or comment on other people's choices. The top 10 will feature in a shortlist published on this website in the near future.
The best book about the Napoleonic Wars in their entirety is currently (and undoubtedly) The Napoleonic Wars - A Global History by Alexander Mikaberidze. The scope is amazing and the writing is excellent. There are many other "best" Napoleonic books on particular topics and they typically share the common qualities of careful and thorough research combined with thoughtful analysis and a clear writing style. That is why many books by Rory Muir and Charles Esdaille (and others by Mikaberidze) are worthy of inclusion on the list. Books by Chandler and Elting are sentimental favorites (and still useful in some regards), but are not the "best" any more.