I believe I have managed to save most of the archives in the Wayback machine.
Please let me know if anything is missing and I will try to add it to the wayback machine.
Please note that the SW for this forum does not work completely with my web-browser. I can post comments, but cannot reply to any posts. Very disappointing.
The format I use is called markdown. Save the data to a file called myfile.md . Double clicking on it should load it into your browser and the links become clickable.
Snip here.
Snip here.
Does anyone now the URL for 2018 and 2019?
Best regards,
Terry Doherty
I'm all in favor of having multiple sites for the archives. That only further ensures it's survival. Good job.
Nice! Will it still work once I take the Forum off line?
Test. Ah ha. I have a work around. I have to trick the website into thinking I'm using a different type of browser.