Napoleon: The Warrior Unmasked
Drew A Larson
Western Oregon University , 2014
"Unfortunately, and to many historians’ annoyance, there are two beliefs on the subject of Napoleon. The first belief is that Napoleon lived as a superb soldier and possessed a great mind. Napoleon, the savior of the French, had pulled the France out of their downward spiral, and regained their prior fame. The other, opposing, belief holds that Napoleon was a monstrous war hungry dictator; instead of a savior, Napoleon is viewed as a tyrant who sought world domination at all costs. These beliefs were held both during and after Napoleon’s lifetime. Each side has constructed concrete argument, yet the modern, typical, view of Napoleon seems to be the latter of the two.... "
@david Tomlinson "Either way, I don’t think 1812 will have affected US mainstream psyche overly much? Or am I misreading US popular culture?" Presumably some Americans have an inkling of the origin of their national anthem.