Hi, I am searching for information about Greek Army 1833 - 1863 when in Greece had king Otto and bavarian authority. According to Goverment's newspapers at that time Greek army addopted Bavarian Army's unifroms. A freand, in oreder to help me finding info, sent me Karl Miller's book "Die organisation sekleidung austrostung der konglish bayerrishen armee von 1806 bis 1906" with many useful uniforms details but from title is clear it is in German which I don't know. What am I asking is if could someone suggest me a book with bavarian army uniforms details such as Miller's or help me translete some pages from German to English. From Knoetel's draws can be seen the similarities between the two armies. Thanks for your time looking forward hearing any news. Stay healthy and safe, regards to all of you , Nikos

The following may be of help
Herbert Knotel, Herbert Knötel, Herbert Sieg (1980) Uniforms of the World: A Compendium of Army, Navy, and Air Force Uniforms, 1700-1937
Bavaria – pp173-189
Greece – pp 278-280
This is a translation of the Uniformkunde book. So, it does not have the colour drawings but is a discussion on uniforms. FYI a snippet version is on google https://books.google.co.za/books?id=mQYhAQAAIAAJ&q
Von Pivka, O (1980) Napoleon's German Allies 4 - Bavaria (Osprey MAA 106). Check ebay etc for 2nd hand copies
Funcken L & F (1973) The Napoleonic Wars. Part II. pp 60-63
Hello Nick,
It was a very very long time ago (in terms of our Computer era) that I tried OCR. It worked well back then, but not for me since my books were far to old to be recognised as text by OCR then. So eversince I sticked to typewriting all the texts I use for my website. But the books you refered to are neatly layed out, so OCR should be no problem.
Perhaps you could make scans of the pages you are interested in, apply OCR and let a translationtool do the rest. Otherwise simply typewrite those parts of your choice and translate it.
in case you are interested in German armies, I am afraid you should have the motivation to learn German, you won't find anything like Müller / Braun other than in German and there are quite a few others, the regimental histories alone.