*Note: Research done by Michael Lint and Situation 20 April 1809 provided by my anonymous donor.*
Situation 10 April 1809:
66 Officers & 1,981 Soldiers
Detached: 2 Officers & 4 Soldiers
In Hospital: 1 Officer & 273 Soldiers
Total Effective Strength: 2,327
Battle of Thann 19 April 1809 Casualties:
Officers: 2 KIA, 1 MW, 16 WIA
NCOs & Soldiers: 79 KIA, 41 MW, 143 WIA, 10 POW, 6 Scracthed off rolls due to long absence in the hospital on 19 April 1809
Killed in Action:
1e Bat. / 2e Co. Lieut. Antoine Alexandre Louis Marous
3e Bat. / 3e Co. Capit. Philippe Pezieux
Mortally Wounded:
1e Bat. / 2e Co. S.Lieut. Louis Francois Roasio: Died of wounds on 14 May 1809
Wounded in Action:
1e Grenadiers Capit. Jean Viala: Shot in the stomach
2e Grenadiers Capit. Laurent Bertet: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
2e Grenadiers Lieut. Rene Claude Jean Raverat: Shot in the right hand (broken hand)
3e Grenadiers Capit. Sernin Laffont: Contusion on the left arm
1e Bataillon Chef de Bat. Jacques Brosset: Shot in the right thigh
1e Bat. / 2e Co. Capit. Alexandre Massot: Shot in the chest
1e Bat. / 3e Co. Lieut. Melchior Peronnier: Saber cut to the right forearm
2e Bat. / 1e Co. Capit. Pierre Bonaventure Chancel: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
3e Bat. / 2e Co. Capit. Joseph Antoine Francois Gerbal: Shot in the inside of the right thigh
Capit. Simon Pevet: Shot in the left foot
A La Suite Lieut. Claude Saint-Cyr: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
1e Voltigeurs Capit. Bernard Hippolyte Pilhes: Shot in the chest
1e Voltigeurs S. Lieut. Charles Basset: Received seven saber cuts to the 1.) left cheek 2.) lower lip 3.) right shoulder 4.) right hip 5.) right thigh 6.) left shin 7.) left leg
2e Voltigeurs Capit. Antoine Pelenc: Received two wounds from a cannister round: 1.) in the lower part of the right thigh 2.) in the lower abdomen
3e Voltigeurs Capit. Bernard Boyer: Shot in the right leg
3e Voltigeurs S. Lieut. Joseph Olivier Dehemery: Wounded at the Battle of Thann
Situation 20 April 1809:
41 Officers & 1,507 Soldiers (34 Horses)
Detached: 3 Officers & 26 Soldiers
In Hospital: 15 Officers & 419 Soldiers/
Prisoners of War: 10 Soldiers
Total Effective Strength: 2,021 (34 Horses)
Colonel Jean-Louis Charriere (44)

Chef de Batallion (1er) Jacques Brosset (33)(W)

Chef de Batallion (2e) Martiry Cazeneuve (46)

Chef de Bataillon (3e) Jean-Louis Baillon (42)

Capit. Adjudant Major (1er) Gabriel Carrier (33)

Lieut. Adjudant Major (2e) Louis Gumiet (35)

Capit. Adjudant Major (3e) Jean-Louis Brun (37)

Officier Payeur Sous-Lieut. Jacques Legras (37)

Porte Aigle Sous-Lieut. Joseph Allios (36)

2e Porte Aigle Jean Commes (35)

3e Porte Aigle Andre Leobard (37)

As much as I would love to post every wounded soldier, that would be too long a process. However, I will break down their wounds and from what company they served.
1e Bataillon 57e Ligne NCOs and Soldiers
1e Bat./ Grenadiers: 11
1e Bat./ 1e Co.: 10 1e Bat./ 2e Co.: 5 1e Bat./ 3e Co.: 10
1e Bat./ 4e Co.: 7 1e Bat./ Voltigeurs: 4
Total: 47
Wounded by a shot on 19 April 1809: 5
Right thigh severed by a cannonball: 2
Right arm severed by a cannonball: 1
Left arm severed at the collarbone by a cannonball: 1
Shot in the right side: 1
Shot in the left flank: 1
Shot in the right leg: 3
Shot in the left leg: 5
Shot in the right arm: 2
Shot in the right forearm: 3
Shot in the left forearm: 3
Shot in the right collarbone: 2
Shot in the chest: 1
Shot in the left elbow: 1
Shot in the right thigh: 5
Shot in the left thigh: 2
Shot in the right hand: 2
Shot in the left hand: 4
Shot in the external malleolus: 1
Shot in the left foot: 1
Shot in the head: 1
1e Bataillon 57e Ligne NCOs and Soldiers
Mort a l'hopital suite de blesseurs reçues a 19 Avril 1809, a' La Bataille de Thann.
1e Bat. Grenadier Jean Gagne: Died of wounds in the military hospital in Augsbourg on 30 June 1809
1e Bat. Grenadier Martin Adrien Hilaire Langlois: Died of wounds in Augsbourg hospital on 8 May 1809
1e Bat./ 1e Co.Fusilier Augustin Gregoize: Died in the Military hospital of Strasbourg on 15 Juily 1810. (Shot in the left thigh)
1e Bat./ 1e Co. Fusilier Barthelmy Ferri: Died of wounds in the Sedentary Military hospital in Strasbourg on 20 December 1809
1e Bat./ 1e Co. Fusilier Caporal Nicolas Valance: Died of wounds in Sainte Marguerite hospital in Strasbourg on 4 June 1809
1e Bat./ 1e Co. Fusilier Pierre Nicolas Accard: Died of wouds in the Temporary Military hospital in Ulm on 30 June 1809
1e Bat./ 2e Co. Fusilier Andre Bouffioux: Died of wounds in the Temporary hospital in Ulm on 20 June 1809.
1e Bat./ 2e Co. Fusilier Caporal Claude Simonet: Died of wounds in Sainte Marguerite hospital in Strasbourg on 4 June 1809
1e Bat./ 2e Co. Fusilier Louis Marie Gosde: Died of wounds in the Danube N.1 hospital in Ingolstadt on 1 May 1809
1 Bat./4e Co. Fusilier Joseph Truffelli: Wounded by a cannonball on the right foot. Scratched off rolls due to long absence in the hospital on 19 April 1809
1e Bat./ 4e Co. Fusilier Pierre F Clerisse: Died of wounds in the Military hospital of Strasbourg on 20 June 1809
1e Bat./ 4e Co. Fusilier Jean Louis Ledoux: Died of wounds in Höchstadt hospital on 28 May 1809
1e Bat./ 4e Co. Fusilier Francois Poulain: Died of wounds in the Sedentary Military hospital in Strasbourg on 5 December 1809
1e Bat./ 4e Co. Fusilier Charles Grenier: Died in the temporary hospital in Ulm on 3 July 1809
1e Bataillon 57e Ligne NCOs and Soldiers
Tue sur le champ de bataille a' Thann, Le 19 Avril 1809
1e Bat. Grenadier Francois Lambert
1e Bat./ 1e Co. Fusilier Caporal Jean-Baptiste-Mathieu Heurteux
1e Bat./ 1e Co. Fusilier Caporal Joseph Balland
1e Bat./ 1e Co. Fusilier Caporal Leopold Mangin
1e Bat./ 1e Co. Fusilier Louis Sigoureux
1e Bat./ 1e Co. Fusilier Marie-Adrien Dampierre
1e Bat./ 1e Co. Fusilier Marie-Jean-Michel Mainfroy
1e Bat./ 1e Co. Fusilier Michel Giresne
1e Bat./ 2e Co. Fusilier Pierre Hannecquin
1e Bat./ 2e Co. Fusilier Caporal Jean-Jacob Banard
1e Bat./ 2e Co. Fusilier Laurent Lepicier
1e Bat./ 2e Co. Fusilier Etienne Pinasco
1e Bat./ 2e Co. Fusilier Mathieu-Joseph Hulin
1e Bat./ 3e Co. Fusilier Sergent Betencourt (Couldn't make out the first name sadly)
1e Bat./ 3e Co. Fusilier Francois Clerges
1e Bat./ 3e Co. Fusilier Pierre-Balthazar Curnier
1e Bat./ 3e Co. Fusilier Pierre Sévère Morin
1e Bat./ 3e Co. Fusilier Robert-Laurent Lemoine
1e Bat. Voltigeur Francois Richel
1e Bat. Voltigeur Jean-Baptiste-Sulpice Deschamps
4e Batallion 57e Ligne 1809 (Grenadier and Voltigeur Compagnie)
Total Casualties on 19 April 1809
NCOs & Soldiers:
6 KIA (4 Grenadiers, 2 Voltigeurs), 4 MW (4 Grenadiers), 17 WIA ( 9 Grenadiers , 8 Voltigeurs) 15 retired due to wounds from August 1809 to March 1810, 1 veteranized, 1 Grenadier was reported wounded, but never heard from again and scratched off the rolls)
1 Scratched off rolls (In the hospital on 19 April 1809)
Chef de Bataillon Cyr Jean Baptiste Girard (39)
A horse killed under him at the Battle of Thann.
Capit. Adjudant Major (3e) Jean-Louis Brun (37)
4e Grenadiers
Capit. Jean-François Souvras (44)
Lieut. Jean-Antoine Delmas (36)
Sous-Lieut. Jean-Pierre-Claude Saulse (30)
4e Voltigeurs
Capit. Jean-Baptiste Simon (45)
Lieut. David-Jean Montfajon (36)
Sous-Lieut. Michel Poisson (20)
Roster 4e Bataillon 57e Ligne 1809
3e Batallion 57e Ligne 1809
Total Casualties on 19 April 1809
1 KIA, 5 WIA
NCOs & Soldiers:
34 KIA, 15 MW, 43 WIA ( 38 retired due to wounds from August 1809 to August 1811, 2 veteranized, 2 reformed, 1 soldier was reported wounded, but never heard from again and scratched off the rolls)
1 Scratched off rolls (In the hospital on 19 April 1809)
Chef de Bataillon Jean-Louis Baillon (42)
A horse killed under him at the Battle of Thann.
Capit. Adj. Major Jean François Duchein (42)
3e Grenadiers
Capit. Sernin Laffont (37) (W)
Lieut. Simon Pevet (39) (W)
Sous-Lieut. Thomas Debeaune (33)
1er Compagnie
Capit. Jean Peyruzat (37)
Lieut. (Vacant)
Sous-Lieut. Joseph Rossignol (22)
2e Compagnie
Capit. Joseph-Antoine-François Gerbal (35) (W)
Lieut. (Vacant)
Sous-Lieut. Alexandre de Waubert (27)
3e Compagnie
Capit. Philippe Pezieux (43) (K)
Lieut. Louis Tamaignan (34)
Sous-Lieut. Simon Mothe (33)
4e Compagnie
Capti. Jean Point (45)
Lieut. Jean Keller (*)
Sous-Lieut. Louis-Jean-Tenaille Lessy (24)
3e Voltigeurs
Capit. Bernard Boyer (49) (W)
Lieut. Pierre Pontier (41)
Fastes de la Légion-d'honneur, Tome 4 pg. 372
Sous-Lieut. Joseph-Olivier Dehemery (D'Hemery) (*) (W)
Roster 3e Bataillon 57e Ligne 1809
Mais sur ce site il n'y a pas le livre avec les numéros de page en haut à droite ou à gauche sur les officiers!😂
Je prends un exemple: Sous-Lieut. Pierre-Samuel Mellier (28), il y a 8 pages sur cet officier mais pas la page du livre que tu as mis en exemple. Nommée 131.
Je te repose donc la même question: Où trouver ce livre?
Tu trouves où le livre avec les numéros de page en haut à droite ou à gauche sur les officiers?
Je n'arrive pas à trouver ce site!
2e Batallion 57e Ligne 1809 (Work in Progress)
Total Casualties on 19 April 1809
NCOs & Soldiers:
19 KIA, 10 MW, 34 WIA (28 retired due to wounds from August 1809 to March 1810, 3 veteranized, 1 passed to the Invalides, 1 soldier was reported wounded, but never heard from again and scratched off the rolls)
1 Scratched off rolls (In the hospital on 19 April 1809)
Chef de Batallion (2e) Martiry Cazeneuve (46)
Service record from Base Leonore
Lieut. Adjudant Major (2e) Louis Gumiet (35)
2e Grenadiers
Capit. Laurent Bertet (34) (W)
Lieut. René-Claude-Jean Raverat (33) (W)
Fastes de la Legion d'honneur Tome 2 pg 326-327
On April 19, 1809, the day of the battle of Thaun, the enemy having seized the heights, made a division run to go and intercept the road; General Saint-Hilaire wanted to oppose this movement, which could compromise the fate of his troops and that of part of the army. The 57th Regiment was ordered to march on this battery; it was only a short pistol shot away when it was greeted by the musketry of an infantry battalion. The 72nd line infantry regiment, seen at this point, had already come to grips in a wood, where it was crushed by grape-shot from a battery located on a hillock some distance away. The fire was so well fed and so well directed that the French were forced to retire in disorder. Raverat, with half of his grenadiers and about fifty voltigeurs, remains the last; but he is soon obliged to follow the retrograde movement. While he beats in retreat, one of the soldiers who had crossed the Passarge with him, falls wounded by a shot: he takes care to raise him; but at the same time, he himself was struck by a bullet which broke his right hand. the Colonel (Charriere) of 57th then ordered Raverat to go to the ambulance to get bandaged: "No, colonel," replies the lieutenant; This during the General Saint-Hilaire having rallied the troops, arrived with a reinforcement to attack a second time the heights; you have already lost a lot of officers, you might need me: "besides, I want to have the honor of commanding one" of your companies, and despite my injury, it is on "this redoubt that you will give it to me”.Ráverat, seeing that the moment is favorable, sets off at the head of a handful of brave men who emerge with bayonets; he climbs the height, after having killed a great number of enemies, and appears the first on the hillock, which is carried by storm. This bold move decided the victory. The one who had contributed so much, then yielding to the strong urges of his chiefs, entered the hospital of Neubourg, where he underwent an operation all the more painful, that it was necessary to extract from his hand the bullet which had remained there. Four days later, Napoleon arrived under the walls of Ratisbon; he was already informed of the courage displayed by this officer: "Where is Lieutenant Raverat, from" he asked the colonel of the 57th regiment? "Sire," replied the latter, "a shot from which he was hit" at the battle of Thaun, where the whole army saw him performing wonders of value, forced him to enter the country hospital . - Well! added the Emperor, let him know that I "appoint him baron, with an endowment of four thousand francs".
Service record from Base Leonore
Sous-Lieut. Pierre-Bertrand Daram (27)
1er Compagnie
Capit. Pierre-Bonaventure Chancel (36) (W)
Sous-Lieut. Jean-Baptiste-Nicholas Demont (38)
Sous-Lieut. Julien Martin (35)
2e Compagnie
Capit. Antoine Pelenc (35) (W)
Lieut. Jacques Girbes (33)
Sous-Lieut. Antoine Roubi (Rouby) (38)
3e Compagnie
Capit. Jean-Pierre Veyrier (37)
Lieut. Dominique Laforgue (38)
4e Compagnie
Capit. Jean-Baptiste Escudier (40)
Lieut. Edme-Lambert Moreau (37)
Sous-Lieut. Octave-Joseph Canonne (23)
2e Voltigeurs
Capit. Lieut. Jean-Paul Bastoul (44)
Lieut. Etienne Barret (44)
Sous-Lieut. Pierre-Samuel Mellier (28)
Roster of the 2e Batallion in 1809 from 2YB646 57.Ligne
Il y a quelques temps, tu avais publié ceci:
105e Ligne:
4e Voltigeurs Caporal Bernard Gouriol: Shot in the shoulder
4e Voltigeurs Hermann Hotters: Shot in the left arm
4e Voltigeurs Jean Nicolas Chartier: Shot in the left leg
4e Voltigeurs Joseph Dhozdain: Shot in the right arm
4e Voltigeurs Louis Pequin: Shot on the arm
4e Voltigeurs Pierre Mayer: Shot in the leg
4e Voltigeurs Rene Boudouin: Shot in the foot
Ils ont disparu?
I fully agree with Hans - Karl. Way to go, Michael!
1e Bataillon 57e Ligne 1809
Total Casualties on 19 April 1809
1 KIA, 1 MW, 6 WIA
NCOs & Soldiers:
20 KIA, 14 MW, 47 WIA (43 retired due to wounds from August 1809 to January 1811, 2 soldiers were reported wounded, but never heard from again and scratched off the rolls)
2 Scratched off rolls (2 in the hospital on 19 April 1809)
Chef de Bataillon (1er) Jacques Brosset (33) (W)
His citation on his service record reads as : At the Battle of Thann, April 19, 1809, he was hurt grievously with a shot through his thigh, he continued to command his battalion for another hour, he did not leave the battlefield without forcing the enemy to give up.
Capit. Adjudant Major (1er) Gabriel Carrier (Carrie) (33)
1er Grenadiers
Capit. Jean-Dominique Viala (38) (W)
Fastes de la Legion d'honneur Tome 2 p. 205
Sous. Lieut. Joseph L'homme (35)
Sous-Lieut. Claude Grépat (23)
1er Compagnie
Capit. Marc-François-Pons Deitte (39)
Sous. Lieut. Joseph Rossignol (22)
Sous-Lieut. Joseph Revou (38)
2e Compagnie
Capit. Pierre-Joseph-Bernard Gleise (42)
Lieut. Antoine-Alexandre-Louis Maroul (22) (K)
Sous-Lieut. Louis-François Roasio (21) (MW)
3e Compagnie
Capit. Alexandre Massot (44) (W)
Lieut. Melchior Peronnier (42) (W)
Sous-Lieut. Antoine Jouffray (35)
4e Compagnie
Capit. Louis-François Lavallart (33)
Lieut. Jean-Antoine Delmas (36)
Sous-Lieut. François-Arnaud-Joseph Duquesne (23)
1er Voltigeurs
Capit. Bernard-Hippolyte Pilhes (39) (W)
Lieut. Etienne Gauzy (40)
Sous-Lieut. Charles Basset (39) (Wounded 7 times at the battle)
Document from 2YB646 57.Ligne showing the 1er Bataillon in 1809
Congratulations, very nice and highly informative, well done.