Hello everyone,
I am in need of someone who reads French more fluently than myself. Mr. Berjaud graciously gave me a document from his research in the archives of Strasbourg. I will only share a few pages, and I am not sure I am allowed to share the full document without his permission. I will ask him in the next few days, and hopefully, more pages can be shown. I know sometimes historians can be unwilling to share information, but my goal is to help others, and hopefully, someone will help me!
Below is the Revue of the 3e Ligne in Strasbourg on 31 October 1807, found in the papers of Général Baron Alexis-Balthazar-Henri Antoine de Schauenburg titled Revues particulières d'inspection. As you can see below, he does mention the unique uniform of the tambours and musicians wearing celestial blue with red facing.
If anyone can translate the second page, I would be in your debt. The General's handwriting is better than most, but I cannot read every letter, which slows my google translating down a lot.

Email sent with a few extra documents that will hopefully help.
I appreciate all of your help!
I was sure we had already lines of communication - via TMP - I will get in touch with Zack White that he sends you my e mail address.
I am quite under heavy work load due to Corona - but in case, please send me directly better scan so I can read the text well.
The procedure would be that first it has to be transcribed in French and then an attempt to translate had to be made.