Below is the translation of the action that earned the 29 years old Sous-Lieut Laurent-Stanislas-Joseph Gobe (Gob) the Légion d'honneur on 23 April 1809
On the 15 (17th) of April 1809, at one hour of assembly, the 4th Company of Voltigeurs, of which Mr. Gobe was a member, received an order to pass the Regen, near Ratisbonne, to chase the enemy from the village of Reinhausen, in which they had withdrawn after cutting the bridge. He took a boat in which a voltigeur had embarked with him. The boat had to be placed across from one arch to another (of the bridge) to facilitate the passage of the troops. The current was so strong that it dragged the boat and capsized it. Knowing how to swim, the sub-lieutenant Gobe saved the voltigeur, who would have perished without rescue.
After this action, he took another boat and continued to pass successively under the fire of the enemy, the men from one bank to the other, until the five in the evening. Pressed by the chiefs and in particular by the General of Division Comte St. Hilaire to go and rest in the village. While passing the bridge, he spotted a voltigeur who fell in the river and was going to perish. He immediately swam again, fully dressed, and managed to save the rescued man.
This action was noticed by his Excellency the Duke of Auerstaedtand earned him the decoration which was given to him on 25 April 1809.

Also, below are three different letters written by Colonel Pierre Berthezène of the 10e Leger. Interestingly, Gobe’s name is not found on the 25 April 1809 decree, even though his Basee Leonore file says he was awarded the Légion d'honneur on 25 April 1809. However, there is no doubt he was at the review of the 4th Division in front of Ratisbonne. Sous-Lieut Laurent-Stanislas-Joseph Gobe was wounded on 22 April 1809 at the Battle of Eckmuhl by a gunshot wound in the left arm and received a strong contusion on his chest from another gunshot wound. Though still healing from wounds, Gobe is mentioned by Colonel Berthezène as one of the men who received the cross at the review by Napoleon in his letter to Marshal Berthier, the Prince of Neuchâtel, dated 28 April 1809.

Service record of Sous. Lieut Gobe (Gob)

Excellent and inspring research