Hi All. Oman only lists the regiments in a brigade in his order of battle for Vittoria, and so most books follow his lead. Is there any other source that gives the number of battalions per regiment?? Thank you in advance. Paul.
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As a starting point, Nafziger lists the French armies down to the battalion level for 1 May 1813, showing most infantry regiments cut down to a single large battalion. There seem to have been some stray 4e bataillons floating around which I infer to have been recruit formations on their way to join which may complicate things, but a comparison of strength figures between May and June ought make it clear whether or not these were present at the battle.
I also came across this online (scroll down to the fourth posting) which seems pretty comprehensive but doesn't appear to provide any sources. It does, however, match pretty closely with the details that Nafziger gives for May. https://ordresdebatailles.forum2jeux.com/t307-1813-juin-21-vitoria
If such detail exists, it would most likely be in Jean Sarramon's very detailed study of the battle from a French perspective:
La bataille de Vitoria : la fin de l'aventure napoleonienne en Espagne Paris : J.C. Bailly, 1985
xxi, 727 p., [11] leaves of plates (some folded) : ill. (some col.) ; 22 cm.
Includes index.
Bibliography: p. [699]-703.