In this Christmas special (and special really is the word), Rachael Stark, Alex Mikaberidze, Josh Provan and Beatrice de Graaf join me to discuss the most misunderstood person of the Napoleonic era, in an episode filled with laughter, and thought provoking conversation - prepare to have some myths exploded!
Twitter: @zwhitehistory | @Bookish_Rachael | @AMikaberidze | @LandOfHistory | @beatricedegraaf
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I have to admit, I became quite an addict to the Napoleonicist Podcast and like to thank Zack here for the very interesting topics over the last two years, nicely presented and ever so prompting to take one of those subject and read more about it - warning Auerstedt and Bernapotte 1806 - we have to talk on this Zack.
It was nice to see that persons like Marmont and Bernadotte came up and were discussed quite open minded and fair. Unless of course Bernadotte of 1806 fame, where he still - in my opinion is seen much too critical, as Alexander Mikaberidze did. I was lucky enough to visit those battle fields and approach marches more than once, and I am quite adamant that you have to see the terrain to understand the complex situation Bernadotte was facing.
Looking forward for the miracle.