here the link to listen
Again very worthwhile to listen. I wonder how soldiers could survive such harsh treatment of punishment - like 1500 lashes, even when split into several series and why the officers in general found it quite convenient to do so, to keep it as tool for keeping up the discipline in the Army.
In case I understood correctly sadistic inclined officers could initiate flogging within his company. Did the regimental commander stood aloof?
There must be quite some unjustified floggings as well, which would brake the morale of the affected soldiers.
While beating a soldier - was not uncommon in other armies as well, I cannot find such excessive numbers.
For a English reader, I certainly see and hear infinitely more about the British punishment and being a Prussian and Russian aficionado know practically nothing what they did..
Would be fascinated to learn how those 2 armies did.
Much more I suspect than Blucher making soldiers stick straw out of their shakos and follow them marching as Straw Men