Zack White did it again, putting together a highly enjoyable podcast, thanks again for your tireless efforts.
Retelling the story of Waterloo through the accounts of those who fought in the conflict, drawing on British, French and Prussian accounts.
As always with a podcast - pronunciation of names is not unimportant, especially for a non Anglo Phone native speakers - like me.
German names seemingly giving a hard time.
I can sympathize with a name like PIRCH - but others like Friedland / Frydland /FREEDLUND - or Zieten / Zyten/ ZEETEN - could be pronounced without any efforts, like rolling off logs.
An ie - means a long i in German or in English a long e - like ee (freedom) and by no means and I or an Aye Aye.
So Friedland - would be pronounced like Freedlund (the a like in blunt) and Zieten like
Zeeten and not Zayeten.
So Freedlund / Friedland / Freedlund
Zeeten / Zieten / Zeeten