I was browsing a brocante in the South of France recently one sunday when I came across a Baker rifle in absolutely mint condition like the one below. It was being sold for €1200 and had been valued by Christies in London at £1500, and certified as genuine. It had all the original stamps on it from manufacture, which showed where and when it had been made in England. It could have been used in the Battle of Waterloo, but no-one knew.
I was tempted, but couldn't bring myself to buy a British weapon, which might have participated in the downfall of Napoleon! I suspect that it is still available, if anyone is interested, though.
Has anyone else found any amazing original collectors items from this period of history?

Doesn't look rifled to me, I don't have any original arms but have a replica Brown Bess ( Short Land Pattern) and a almost like Napoleonicera rifle a 50 cal Hawken