There has been some interest on social media (and in fact some critique of Waterloo Remembered) over the fact that there has been no discussion of BAME soldiers in either army as part of the Forgotten Foreign Forces mini-series. That's a fair point (though not a sign of racial prejudice as some have tried to suggest - you can only speak to interviewees who are available, and ask them about their expertise). So, given that it IS an interesting topic, what DO we know about BAME soldiers at Waterloo, in any of the forces present?
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The (438) Foreigners returned above as serving in the Regiments of the Line (in 1812) are chiefly Persons employed in the Bands and many of them are Men of Colour
for instance the 29th is said to have 11 «foreigners» of course not precised if each one was black, and I doubt for all the foreigners in the Royal Veteran Battalions, until 22 in 2 batalions, as well as when their number reach 29/30 in both 10th and 15th Light Dragoons (?)
these 438 foreigners said to be mostly blacks were presents in 22 British Cavalry and 47 Infantry Regiments, 17 Veteran and Garrison Battalions and others corps