Hi All, Does anyone know where I might find a list of the names, ranks and units of the Prussian troops killed at Waterloo? (Preferably from multiple units, but if it's only from a single unit, that would still be useful. Many thanks Zack
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As Alfred Brans already mentioned
Plotho, Carl von : Der Krieg des verbündeten Europa gegen Frankreich im Jahre 1815, Berlin 1818
It is available on line.
Oliver Schmidt was so nice to give me more information for other sources
Hei, Namenslisten der Offiziere finden sich in Plotho 1815, Anhänge Ansonsten: http://members.home.nl/uythoven/1815%20Zieten%20losses.htm https://books.google.de/books?id=Yb5FAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA220 https://books.google.de/books?id=Yb5FAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA76 Eine gleichartige Gesamtübersicht für das 3. Armee-Korps kenne ich leider nicht. Gruß, Oli
My toe nails cringe if I see Prussians referred to the railway station in London, maybe you mean Belle Alliance 😉😉