#WaterlooRemembered Day 6: Scratching the Surface - Waterloo Uncovered. In a poignant and humbling interview, I speak to archaeologist Dr Stuart Eve and UK armed forces veteran Ben Mead about the Waterloo Uncovered initiative. This brilliant charity aims to provide rehabilitation to veterans by involving them in archaeology digs on the battlefield. We talked about what had been discovered, the team morale on the dig, and how to support those struggling with their mental health. https://anchor.fm/the-napoleonicist/episodes/Waterloo-Remembered-Day-6-Scratching-the-Surface---Waterloo-Uncovered-ef7ml1
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I cannot remember the book - but I think it was about 1815, Pflugk - Harrtung - and it was a German unit - maybe it can be found in the Waterloo archives by Glover.
In my view Ed sees it too much with the view of the 21st century - early 19th century state of mind was different and it could differ between different nations as well as armies (conscript army versus professional army).
Also he sees it from the point of view of a tiny proportion of a soldiers of the Napoleonic time, a British professional regular soldier - the scope is again much greater and much more nuanced.
To asses PTSD - we would have to see how those soldiers did when leaving the army and see how they would cope in life.
The PTSD that came to the fore in this episode almost certainly affected veterans of Waterloo as well: certainly I know of a few instances from the Peninsular War. However, we know almost nothing about this: it would be great if some bright young student was to adopt it as their dissertation topic.
I watched some of the videos with great interest, I would wish you would show from the historical aspect the same professionalism which you showed from the archaeological side.
Some of the modern illustrations used - are almost fantasy - which distracts from the very hard work and dedication which you are investing in doing all those excavations.
Alas the woods are gone, where a lot of fighting happened before the assault took place, so it will be very unlikely to detect a lot of lead musket balls, a lot would have been stuck in the tree trunks.
It would be very interesting to cut a trench through a part of the Lion's monument.
Hi Hans-Karl - we found a mixture of different musketballs (we can only really tell the difference between Allied and French balls). We have just published an article talking about the balls found in the Killing Ground (the little orchard on the south side of the garden wall at Hougoumont) - it can be found here: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s42984-020-00013-y.
You can also check some of the results a waterloouncovered.com, including a couple of lectures on some of our findings: https://waterloouncovered.com/lectures/ - and loads of different videos from the project on the youTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/waterloouncovered
Glad you enjoyed the interview!
Strong stuff
It would be interesting to know what calibre those musket balls have found in the court yard, British, French, Nassau (I don't know what muskets they used could be still of French origin).
Battle field archeology could help a lot to see what happened in new context or just by finding items. It sparked me to research the wide held claim that the French Army wasn't issued with canteens for drinking, so they were found on a battle field, and that opened the eyes to find more than enough information in text and picture sources.
Of course a lot of battle field or lets say almost all would have been scavenged after the battle - and especially after a lapse of times by people with metal detectors. I see this with mixed feelings, those found privately are usually quite accessible for normal guys like me and a huge amount can be learned by that - whereas seemingly professional findings are hid behind steel walls.
I don't know why they should be put off to dig up mass graves. It would depend how you treat found bones, a huge amount can be learned, as for example digging them out at the battle field of Lützen (30YW) or medieval battle grounds which re shaped our perspective.
Still a lot dead soldiers are found from WW2 - they get then re buried in soldier cemeteries.
About PST - well that can be said about all mental (dis)affections - depression, phobias, still much stigmatized but so much in evidence and in case being not treated to catastrophic consequences to the individual and the social environment.