Below are a selection of reviews written on recent publications on the Napoleonic era. Please note that the views expressed here are those of the reviewer, who has not received commission for writing these reviews. The reviewer does not accept any responsibility should you buy a book on the basis of a review that you read here, and not enjoy it.
The Napoleonic Wars, as illustrated by J. J. Jenkins
David Buttery, Waterloo: Battlefield Guide
Robert Burnham & Ron McGuigan, Wellington’s Brigade Commanders – Peninsula and Waterloo
Bruce Collins, Wellington and the Siege of San Sebastian
Charles Esdaile, Napoleon, France and Waterloo: The Eagle Rejected
Gareth Glover, The Forgotten War Against Napoleon: Conflict in the Mediterranean 1793-1815
Nicholas Lipscombe, Wellington’s Eastern Front: The Campaigns on the East Coast of Spain, 1810-1814