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Teacher's Zone
Life as a teacher is tough enough without having to get your head around a new topic and dreaming up engaging lessons on area of history that you may not be confident with.
I've therefore posted a Scheme of Work below to make life a little easier, should you decide to teach your students about this brilliant period of history.
I hope you find them useful!
Most of the print outs that you need are contained in the slides at the end of each powerpoint. Click on each of the buttons on the left to view the document.
Napoleonic Wars Scheme of Work
1. Rise of Napoleon Powerpoint
1. Rise of Napoleon Lesson Plan
2. Code Napoleon Powerpoint
2. Code Napoleon Lesson Plan
2. Society under Napoleon Resource
3. Life in the Royal Navy Powerpoint
3. Life in the Royal Navy Lesson Plan
4. The Battle of Trafalgar Powerpoint
4. The Battle of Trafalgar Lesson Plan
5. Napoleon's Military Career Powerpoint
5. Napoleon's Military Career Resources
5. Napoleon's Military Career Lesson Plan
6. Battle in the Napoleonic Era Powerpoint
6. Battle in the Napoleonic Era Lesson Plan
7. Battle of Waterloo Powerpoint
7. Battle of Waterloo Lesson Plan
8. Downfall of Napoleon Assessment Powerpoint
8. Downfall of Napoleon Assessment Lesson Plan
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